Informal Meeting – 28th June

We will be having a short informal meeting on 28th June, to discuss the young persons’ visit to Bohars in August 2015.

If you’ve not been to a meeting before then phone David Dunning beforehand for details (see the Contact Us page).

Visit to Stretton Mill

We took our French guests to Stretton Water Mill.  West Cheshire Museums were able to provide a French-speaking guide.

The group learned (mostly in French) about how flour was milled in past centuries. One of our visitors, Pierre, was particularly interested as he is a retired miller himself, albeit in a more modern flour mill in Brittany.

Had it been a sunny day we could have sat on the benches by the lake afterwards – but the weather wasn’t so good and we were obliged to retire to the Cock O’Barton for drinks!







Visit from Bohars

Last weekend we hosted a group of visitors from Bohars, and had fun showing them some of the local sights.  More of that in a later post, but for the moment here’s a photo from our celebration dinner at Willington Hall.


Informal Meeting – Young People’s Visit to Bohars August 2015

We will be having a short informal meeting in The Swan, Tarporley on Thursday 26th Feb at 730pm to, amongst other things, look at which young people are wanting to go to Bohars in August 2015.  We need to be organizing transport ASAP if there’s any chance of getting flights. so please come and put your child’s name on the list!

If you’ve not been to a meeting before then phone David Dunning beforehand so he can look out for you on the night! (see the Contact Us page for details)

Quiz Evening 2015 (updated)

Our annual quiz evening, open to everyone.

Come along for a fun and not-too-challenging quiz evening organised by the Twinning Association.  Teams of 6 to 8 people.  Saturday 28th March 2015 in the Scout Hut at 7:00 for 7:30pm.  Your quizmaster will be Richard  Vicars.

There will be a bar; and nibbles on the tables.

Tickets are £6 and will be available from the 1st of March via members or Swaffields.  Put the date in your diary now!

A limited number of tickets will also be available on the door.

Don’t worry, no knowledge of French is needed for the quiz!

Bohars May 2014 – part 1 – Marché de St Renan

This is the first of several posts showing what we got up to on our long-weekend visit to Bohars over the May 2014 Bank Holiday.

We visited the market at St Renan – narrow streets packed with stalls selling every kind of fresh fruit and veg and much more.


Select your own live crab (crabe) or lobster (homard)…


If you don’t want a whole loaf they will happily cut you a half…


A corner of the town square…


Stawberries (fraises) lined up with military precision…


You wouldn’t be in France without the chance to buy some cheese.  The one with seaweed (fromage aux algues) is particularly nice…


And finally some colourful spices (épices)…


So now you know just a little of what we saw in the market, and maybe learned a few words of French at the same time.