Fifty Years

Fifty years ago, on 2 January 1973, Brittany Ferries tell us their first ship set sail from Roscoff en route to Plymouth. Called Kerisnel, carrying a cargo of cauliflowers, onions and cognac, and bringing Brittany Ferries, owned by the Brittany farming community (which still largely owns the business) to life. Tarporley and Bohars twinners have often used this service in the 35+ years of our Twinning.

Brexit, Covid and politics may have unsettled us, but things are getting back on track and to help them celebrate this special 50th anniversary Brittany Ferries invited Twinning representatives to join them on board their flagship Pont-Aven in Millbay Plymouth on 2 January 2023 for a reception and anniversary dinner on-board.

Here are a couple of pictures from the event. Can you spot our party in the top picture?